Web of Needs
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Structurally, the Web resembles a marketplace: Web clients download documents from servers just like customers buy goods from kiosks. Interestingly, the marketplace metaphor for the Web goes further: most Web users are in the role of the customer and the documents downloaded in most cases actually represent commercial offers. This second resemblance leads to a fundamental asymmetry: in general, commercial offers are represented as first-class objects on the Web. Consumer needs, however, the very notions that drive the interaction, only materialize in the form of search terms or browsing behaviour. In this project, we are developing an approach for explicitly representing needs as first-class objects on the Web of data in a way that allows interacting with them.
The code available on our github repository is a prototype implementation of all required components for the Web of Needs. The 'master' branch should contain stable code. Go to the 'devel' branch for up-to-date, but possibly unstable code.
System Architecture

Kleedorfer, Florian; Human, Soheil; Friedrich, Heiko; Huemer, Christian. "Web of Needs: A Process Overview ". SEMANTiCS 2016, Leipzig, Germany, September 2016. Poster, Paper
Friedrich, Heiko; Kleedorfer, Florian; Human, Soheil; Huemer, Christian. "Integrating Matching Services into the Web of Needs". SEMANTiCS 2016, Leipzig, Germany, September 2016. Poster, Paper
Kleedorfer, Florian; Panchenko, Yana; Busch, Christina Maria; Huemer, Christian. "Verifiability and Traceability in a Linked Data Based Messaging System". SEMANTiCS 2016, Leipzig, Germany, September 2016. PDF
Kleedorfer, Florian; Busch, Christina Maria; Pichler, Christian; Huemer, Christian. "The Case for the Web of Needs". 16th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2014), Geneva, Switzerland, July 2014. PDF
Kleedorfer, Florian. "Building a Web of Needs". 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Outrageous Ideas Challenge, Bonn, Germany, November 2011. PDF
Kleedorfer, Florian, and Busch, Christina Maria. "Beyond Data: Building a Web of Needs". In Proceedings of the WWW2013 Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW 2013), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2013. PDF
Kleedorfer, Florian; Busch, Christina Maria; Grill, Gabriel; Khosravipour, Soheil; Salcher, Fabian; Tus, Alan; Gstrein, Erich. "Web of Needs-A New Paradigm for E-Commerce". Business Informatics (CBI), 2013 IEEE 15th Conference on , vol., no., pp.316,322, 15-18 July 2013. PDF
- Fabian Suda(@quasarchimaere)
- Florian Kleedorfer (@fkleedorfer)
- Gabriel Pickl (@peacememories)
- Kristina Weinberger (@sigpie)
- Max Stolze (@maxstolze)
- Renée Singer (@m0ru)
Past contributors
- Alan Tus (@atus)
- Ashkan Rezaei (@Azarex)
- Bernd Ivanschitz(@schrabauke)
- Brent Shambaugh (@bshambaugh)
- Christina Maria Busch (@cbusch)
- Danijel Novakovic (@dakidaki)
- Fabian Salcher (@fsalcher)
- Gabriel Grill (@grill)
- Heiko Friedrich(@heikofriedrich)
- Jens Kornacker (@jensitus)
- Seungbin Yim (@sbyim)
- Soheil Khosravipour(@soheilk)
- Tomas Kozel (@tomina83)
- Yana Panchenko(@yanapanchenko)